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Showing posts from January, 2013

"Polish" student evening in Ghent

This is quite off-topic, but please bear with me. After some moving around I am back in Belgium (Ghent). I discovered that while I was away, the local "student association which promotes active European citizenship and European integration" (this is from their description) organized a Polish evening. [Click on any of the images to enlarge.] ITEM 1: The organization description from their Facebook profile. "Minos Ghent is a student association which promotes active European citizenship and European integration. With us you can attend debates and lectures, cultural evenings and exchange with our partner organizations." They organized a Polish evening and to introduce people to Polish culture, they decided that people who dress up in typical Polish clothes will get free shots of vodka. Of course, traditional Polish clothes are those of plumbers and cleaning ladies. ITEM 2: The event posting from their fb profile. The description reads:  "The moment...

CFP (A CLPS13 symposium) - Nominalism and its foes: formal methods

Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science of Ghent University was founded in 1993. On the occasion of its 20th anniversary the Centre organizes an international Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science (CLPS13). We will schedule parallel sessions with contributed papers and special symposia with a limited number of papers. I am the organizer of a symposium titled: NOMINALISM AND ITS FOES: FORMAL METHODS If you're interested in presenting a paper at this symposium, please upload an abstract in PDF format (between 500 and 1000 words) to:  by April 1, 2013 (You will be asked to choose between one of the following submission categories: - Logical analysis of scientific reasoning processes - Methodological and epistemological analysis of scientific reasoning processes - Symposium submission Select the last option and mention the symposium number - 7 - in the title of your abstract.) -...