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Showing posts from December, 2013

Talk@UGent: Model-theoretic constructions without actual infinity (M. Czarnecki)

At 5 p.m. on January 7, Marek Czarnecki (Warsaw University) will give a talk at the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science  (room 2.30). If you're around, feel free to drop by. We base on the notion of FM-representability introduced by M. Mostowski as an explication of representability without actual infinity.  By Mostowski’s FM-representability theorem and Shoenfield’s Limit Lemma FM-representable notions  are  exactly  those  which  uniformly  computable  limits  of  computable notions  i.e.   which  are  constructible  in  finitistic  sense  (by  true  constructions, not constructions relative to some uncomputable oracle). We introduce the notion of concrete models - FM-representable models - and consider the feasibility of classical model-theoretic constructions in concrete models framework.  The aim is to identify the finitistic content of model theory - the part...

Gender, logic events, public transport

As is well known, the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy organizes a summer school on mathematical philosophy for female students . I deeply admire the work and organizational skills of the members of MCMP. Organizing a logic event for female students turned out to be somewhat controversial - so I just wanted to briefly comment on standard reactions I've encountered (I'll use some examples I've seen/heard). On one hand, some people think that the implicature is that women are somehow worse in logic and therefore need extra tutoring. I don't think this criticism is viable. Logic needs to be promoted more among women not because they are worse in logic, but rather because there are not enough women in logic, despite them being perfectly capable of doing the research (I recall a logician saying that nowadays being a logician is like being in a barrel full of dicks . Wording aside, the person who made this comment did have a point.) There are also good methodol...

Applications of Logic in Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics XIX

Traditionally, Janusz Czelakowski, Tomasz Połacik and Marcin Selinger will organize another in this wonderful series of conferences in Szklarska Poręba, a small town in Polish mountains (which is slightly annoying to get to, but quite beautiful once you're there ). It will take place May 5-9, 2014. The information isn't on the conference website but I guess it will be there soon ( er or later). If you feel like hanging out with Polish logicians in a place like that, talking about the foundations of mathematics and other geeky things, I highly recommend going.

TiL XIV reminder

This is just a reminder that the submission deadline for Trends in Logic XIV (The road less travelled. Off-stream applications of formal methods), January 6, is approaching. More details about the conference: Please observe that there will be TWO Trends in Logic conferences next year, the other one being Trends in Logic XIII (Gentzen's and Jaśkowski's heritage; 80 years of natural deduction and sequent calculi).  More details about TiL XIII can be found here: