The “Entia et Nomina” series features English language workshops for researchers in formally oriented philosophy, in particular in logic, philosophy of science, formal epistemology and philosophy of language. The aim of the workshop is to foster cooperation among philosophers with a formal bent. Previous editions took place at Gdansk University, Ghent University (as part of the Trends in Logic series), Jagiellonian University, and Warsaw University. The sixth conference in the series will take place in Palolem, Goa, India, on 29 January - 5 February 2017. Invited speakers confirmed so far include: Krzysztof Posłajko (Jagiellonian University) Katarzyna Kijania-Placek (Jagiellonian University) Tomasz Placek (Jagiellonian University) Nina Gierasimczuk (Danish Technical University) Cezary Cieślinski (Warsaw University) Marcello Dibello (City University of New York) Authors of contributed papers are requested to submit short (up to 2 normalized pages) and extended (up to 6 page...