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Showing posts from December, 2016

Assistant professorship in mathematical philosophy, University of Gdansk

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (Official university document is available at ) Assistant Professorship (“adiunkt” in Polish terminology) in the Chair of Logic, Philosophy of Science and Epistemology is available at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism, University of Gdansk, Poland. The position is to start some time between  July 1 and September 1, 2017, for a fixed period of time with the possibility of extension. Decisions about the exact beginning date of the contract and the number of years will be made during the hiring process. The successful candidate will be expected to do research in mathematical philosophy, teach about 230 hrs per academic year, apply for external research funding, participate in the research activities of the Chair, in the life of the department, and in the administrative work as necessary. Candidates for Assistant Professorship are required to: h...

Call for submissions: PhDs in Logic IX, Bochum, 2nd - 4th May 2017

PhDs in Logic is an annual graduate conference organised by local graduate students. This interdisciplinary conference welcomes contributions to various topics in mathematical logic, philosophical logic, and logic in computer science. It involves tutorials by established researchers as well as short (20 minutes) presentations by PhD students, master students and first-year postdocs on their research. We are happy to announce that the ninth edition of PhDs in Logic will take place at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, during 2nd - 4th May 2017. Confirmed tutorial speakers are : Petr Cintula (Czech Academy of Sciences) María Manzano (University of Salamanca) João Marcos (University of Natal) Gabriella Pigozzi (Paris Dauphine University) Christian Straßer (Ruhr-University Bochum) Heinrich Wansing (Ruhr-University Bochum) Abstract submission: PhD students, master students and first-year postdocs in logic from disciplines, that include but are not limited to philosophy, mathe...