Thanks to Jeff Ketland , Agnieszka Rostalska and I will be giving two talks on December 2, 2008 in Edinburgh at the philosophy department . One of them will report what I wrote about Yablo's stuff , another will be something I worked on with Agnieszka Rostalska, Swinburne's modal argument for the existence of souls. Below is not a full version of the paper, but an abbreviated version that reveals the main gist of it. 1. INTRODUCTION Modal logic is often used (and sometimes misused) in philosophical arguments. An interesting example, where the language of quantified propositional modal logic is put to work, is Swinburne’s argument for the existence of souls. It is interesting for at least two reasons: (i) he argues for the existence of his soul from the assumption that it is logically possible that he survives the destruction of his body, and hence, he insists that a claim about logical possibility has important existential co...