During the night from 16th to 17th of May, Jerzy Perzanowski (1943-2009), a fine Polish logician and a legend of Polish logic has passed away. Brief information about his work can be found here.
Prof. Perzanowski concerned himself with applications of logic (esp. modal logics) in formal ontology. Three parts of his Locative Ontology are available here, here, and here. His essay Towards Combination Metaphysics is available here.
He also gave some thought to paraconsistent logics (he was a friend of Diderik Batens, and cooperated with the Ghent Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science). His 50 years of parainconsistent logics is available here and his Parainconsistency, or inconsistency tamed, investigated and exploited can be found here.
He also gave some thought to paraconsistent logics (he was a friend of Diderik Batens, and cooperated with the Ghent Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science). His 50 years of parainconsistent logics is available here and his Parainconsistency, or inconsistency tamed, investigated and exploited can be found here.
Prof. Perzanowski was well known for his slightly idiosyncratic and yet very clear terminology and engaging manner of discussion (I recall a discussion we had in Warsaw in September about Godel-style ontological proofs, and man, he was difficult to argue with).
He also played a political role as one of the leading figures of the Krakow section of Solidarność.
He will be missed.