1. The paper on dynamic frames has been accepted and is forthcoming in the Logic Journal of the IGPL. As I understand their self-archiving policy, it can't be publicly accessible for 12 months after it's published by OUP. Hence, I'm making the final version available now, it'll be available till the official publication. If you feel like grabbing it before it disappears, it's here.
2. In the same vein, in Ghent this Friday (August 21) we're having a mini-workshop on frame theory. If you're around at that time, feel free to swing by. There's gonna be an outing afterwards.
2. In the same vein, in Ghent this Friday (August 21) we're having a mini-workshop on frame theory. If you're around at that time, feel free to swing by. There's gonna be an outing afterwards.
Title: Frames, Frames and Frames
Time: Friday, August 21. 17:00-19:00 (There will be three talks, 30 minutes each + discussion)
Place: Room 2.19, Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Universiteit Gent, Blandijnberg 2
1. Capturing dynamic frames. It's based on the paper I just mentioned: I explain what frames are, how certain frames can be expressed by sets of first-order, formulas, and how an adaptive strategy can be applied to a reasoning with a conceptual framework when faced with an anomaly.
2. Induction from a single instance and dynamic frames. It reports the content of a joint paper with Frederik Van De Putte; basically, we discuss how the background knowledge needed for a distinction between plausible and implausible cases of induction from a single instance can be formulated within frame theory, and how the theory provides a nice framework for talking about this sort of reasoning as relying on certain second-order inferences.
3. Similarity and dynamic frames. I'm talking about Bugajski's algebraic semantics for similarity relation, indicate its weaknesses, and provide a relational semantics that's simpler and which satisfies more of Williamson's requirements for 4-place similarity relation. Then, I discuss Bugajski's argument to the effect that interesting similarity structures can be generated by a set of properties only if those properties aren't sharp. To criticize it, I describe how non-trivial similarity structures can be generated by sets of sharp properties, if these are viewed within the framework of dynamic frame theory.