I have finished drafting section summaries with short reading guides to PhilPapers sections that I am editing.If you think I should revise, or that I forgot about something, drop me a line:
[EDIT: these below are links]
[EDIT: these below are links]
It does not yet have an editor, but looks like it is a part of Ontology of Mathematics section. Is that intentional?
Mathematical Fictionalism (51)
Mathematical Nominalism (127)
Mathematical Platonism (141)
Mathematical Psychologism (13)
Mathematical Structuralism (106)
Mathematical Neo-Fregeanism (104)
Indeterminacy in Mathematics (10)
Indispensability Arguments in Mathematics (87)
Numbers (106)
The Nature of Sets* (144 | 63)
Sorry for caviling at the details anyway.
No room for instrumentalism?