Just a couple of days ago I returned from Entia et Nomina V, organized by Leszek Wroński, Jacek Wawer and Juliusz Doboszewski (with the generous support of Tomasz Placek's research grant and Jagiellonian University). I'm a bit of a control freak and this is the first time I let someone else run the show. Despite my initial fears, the organizers have done a wonderful job, probably much better than I would've done. So, big thanks to Leszek, Jacek, Juliusz and Tomasz! Here's a brief account of some of the talks (I'm only mentioning those which I feel not completely incompetent to say something about). The full schedule and links to abstract are available here:
- Diderik Batens (University of Ghent) talked about adaptive naive set theory, where he used his inconsistency-adaptive logic over naive set theory to obtain an interesting non-trivial theory. My only worry was that he needed three different conditionals to accommodate our naive intuitions.
- Joanna Luc (Jagiellonian University) used the framework of Belnap and Mueller's Case-Intensional First order Logic to provide a typology of properties that arises from the distinctions present in the system, and investigated whether in natural language we really talk about properties belonging to these types.
- Nina Gierasimczuk (Danish Technical University) discussed fascinating connections between the notion of learnability in the limit and topology.
- Balázs Gyenis (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) discussed the relation between finite Jeffrey and Bayesian conditioning, focusing on regaining the former by means of the latter.
- Pavel Janda (University of Bristol) extended the framework of credences in formal epistemology to Belnap's four-valued logic.
- Michał Godziszewski and Dariusz Kalociński (Warsaw University) discussed the computational complexity of Barwise-like sentences.
- Michał Sikorski (University of Tilburg) presented his modified probabilistic semantics for conditionals.
- Jonathan Payne (University of London) discussed generalizing chance-credence norms to continuous cases.
- Patryk Dziurosz-Serafinowski (University of Groningen) presented his resiliency defence of conditions put on chance by Bigelow et al.
- Michał Godziszewski and Leszek Wroński (University of Warsaw/Jagiellonian University) disproved Feintzeig's conjecture that every generalized probability space satisfying the subadditivity condition has a classical extension.
- Shay Logan (University of Minnesota) extended the Quinean framework of ontological commitment to the model-theoretic (rather than syntactic) account of scientific theories.
- Rafał Gruszczyński (Toruń University) discussed how one can obtain objects to go proxy for points in atomless mereology.
Overall, fun has been had. Stay tuned for the 2016 edition in Warsaw, to be organized by Michał Godziszewski and his colleagues!