EDIT: DEADLINE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 8, 2017. [ POLSKOJĘZYCZNA WERSJA PONIŻEJ/ POLISH VERSION BELOW] TWO PHD POSITIONS IN FORMAL PHILOSOPHY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF GDAŃSK The Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism at the University of Gdańsk invites applications for two doctoral positions, both starting with the beginning of October 2017: One position whose funding starts in October 2017. The funding will be granted for 12 months, with the possibility of subsequent year-long extensions (conditional upon satisfactory progress) up to 48 months total. One position which starts in October 2017, but it is not funded during the first year . The funding starts with October 2018, with the possibility of subsequent year-long extensions (conditional upon satisfactory progress) up to 36 months total. (The candidate, however, is free to apply for the Faculty doctoral scholarship for the first year.) Candidates will be required to pursue their research under t...